Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Cristina Duara

Cristina Duara is a Spanish illustrator from Barcelona, Spain. Growing up, Cristiana's parents pushed her to get a degree in fine art if she were to get a career in drawing. She realized after the first year that art school was not for her because it was "stupid". Her work tends to lay out several components of a centralized idea in a brightly colored and bold fashion. The lines she uses are deliberate and complemented by the surrealist/cubist nature of her work. Cristiana's work leaves much of its content up to interpretation as many of the things she portrays are very archetypal. I enjoy her work very much because this combination of cubism and a psychological element create a somewhat absurd propaganda-esque feeling to her work.


BLOG 9: Alex Gamsu Jenkins

Alex Gamsu Jenkins is an English illustrator from South London. His work is filled with absurdist and surrealist themes that normally serve as a way to further express the strangeness of the situation depicted. I love Jenkins's use of the abstraction in terms of the human figure, his "characters" are silly looking humanoid creatures portrayed in precarious situations. I believe that this purposeful abstraction allows for the onlooker to "other" one's self from the figures in the illustration and realize how strange the things we do really are.

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